Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Coffee Break"

I'm two cups into my coffee break and still struggling to keep my eyes open. I don't quite remember how I even got to this café. My phone rings again. There's two voicemails, four text messages, and now five missed calls that I haven't returned, but I shut off my phone instead. I just need a little time. I'm so tired and haven't made even a dent in all the things that are due this week. Our group project still has to be edited and rendered, I still have to finish sixty pages for my film script, I promised to cover a double tomorrow at work, my play isn't finished either, and--
Breathe. Breathe...
Mom would say I'm over-committing myself again, and Dad would probably say something like, "That's life. It'll be good for you."
I haven't seen them since September. Back then moving to a different city on my own seemed like a good idea. But it's hard to keep up with how fast things move here. I'm sleeping so little these days; I think--
My watch beeps to inform me I'm now done with my coffee break. My wallet's empty so I fumble some change out of my pocket and drop it onto the table. I hope the server understands. I'm still trying to, myself.
I turn and walk back towards campus.

I guess this is growing up.

This here is my submission for "Day 16" in the 30 Day Writing Challenge: "Go to iTunes, put your music on random. Write a story about the first song that comes up. (250 words or less)." Mine turned out to be 230 words, in case anyone was curious. Fun fact: The first draft was ~270.
I expected to get a ridiculous song choice (like from a musical, a "summer hit" pop song that's mostly chorus, or something heavy metal/rock) since my library is pretty darn random, but was happily surprised with the mellow, somehow soothing song, "Coffee Break" by Forever the Sickest Kids. As you can see, I named the excerpt after the song. **Disclaimer: Do not own the song rights (only the song file, lol) and am in no way affiliated with the band or their representation company.**
It's been a while since I've listened to FSK (I am aware it's "FTSK" online but we English students get it drilled into our heads that "the" doesn't get included in acronyms/other such abbreviations :P) so it actually led to a pretty great session of ideas. I kept working at it but the more I did the more I took out that related to the song (the mother bit used to be in there and got lost completely) so that it would flow more naturally. Rather, so that it'd flow the way a stressed out college or grad student would think on no sleep (in my experience). :P The end result hopefully matches the tone of the song and the general sentiment the speaker had about their life.
So you could say it's more inspired by the song rather than about it, but, hey, that still counts, right? :) Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. And as always, feel free to comment your thoughts.

Day 2: Write a FanFiction
Day 16: Go to iTunes, put your music on random. Write a story about the first song that comes up. (250 words or less)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is growing up indeed. Never enough time, money, or sleep. The temptation to quit it all and come back home. I think you captured the feeling very well. The college student buried in responsibilities. We've all seen her before. Many of us are right there with her. So it wasn't hard to relate to this entry. We understand that her life is busy, but we're glad that she took time to vent her story to us as if we were the clerk who makes her coffee. She didn't need us to say anything, just to listen.

There was just one part that I missed though. The end of that last paragraph, "I'm still trying to, myself". I'm not sure if something was left out or if I'm reading it wrong. Overall, nice read though.