Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creative Writing Assignment 02

Hello, one and all. Sorry for the long hiatus; my homework-load turned out to be twice as heavy as I thought it would be so I've had literally NO TIME to blog--personal or otherwise. Today I found myself with some down time so I'm going to post the second of my Creative Writing Assignments =)

For this assignment, Prof. Kesler asked us to write a two-to-three page scene where the majority of the story relied on dialogue. He explained that SOME narration obviously had to take place ((otherwise everyone would be lost)) but that more than half had to be dialogue. So here is my scene, again I won't give it a special title. I've had a lot of positive feedback from this piece but if anything seems off don't hesitate to say so ^_^ Enjoy and please share your thoughts!!

CRW Assignment 02 -- Emphasis on Dialogue

Amy took a cautious step forward and placed her hand on the car-door handle. "Are you sure I'm ready for this? I mean, I did run over a lot of cones during practice..."

Dismissing her comment with a wave of his hand, Amy's father, Noah, climbed into the passenger seat. "You'll be fine! We'll just avoid parallel parking today."

"Still," she said while climbing into the driver's seat, "you really think I'm ready to drive out on the road?"

"Well you've got to learn sometime," he said with a lighthearted chuckle. "Relax! I'll be right here if anything goes wrong. Now buckle up, and tell me, what's the first thing you do?"

"Check my mirrors." Amy examined the rearview mirrors and made the necessary adjustments for her height. She started the ignition and slowly pulled out of the driveway. Amy had never driven anywhere outside of her school's parking lot and the thought of driving onto the public roads (with real traffic) was, she will admit, a little frightening.

As they neared the exit of the complex, Amy gave her father a quick glance. "Did you want me to take Maple or Orange?"

"Take Maple, we'll stop by the supermarket and pick up some groceries. I thought you might enjoy a home-cooked meal tonight instead of frozen pizza again." The smile on his face eased Amy's nerves. "Merge left here, we're going to turn at the next light."

As she merged safely into the next lane, Amy returned to the original subject. "Yeah, we really are hopeless whenever Mom goes on her business trips." She let out a small laugh as one particular occasion came to mind. "Remember that time we tried to bake a chicken but forgot to defrost it first?"

Noah made a sound of disapproval. "It took hours to cook and still didn't taste right." He watched as Amy waved at another driver, signaling that they could merge in. The sound of her laugh made his next statement difficult to say. "Listen, Amy, about your mother--careful that car is turning."

Amy sighed as she adjusted her speed to let the car through. "I wish more people would use their signal, I mean it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

"But you're doing great. See? I told you it'd be fine."

"Thanks, Dad," she sent him a quick smile before turning her attention back to the road. "What about Mom?"

He looked for a way to approach the subject. "She... She decided to extend her business trip a few more days."

"How come? I thought she was coming back Monday?"

He took a deep breath before answering. "She's been upset with me and needs the time away."

Amy sent her father a puzzled look. "What do you mean? You've had your arguments--a lot of them actually--but you always get through it."

"Amy... this time it's not the same..."

"What do you mean?"

There was a short pause. "We're getting a divorce."

"You're WHAT?" In her shock Amy spun the wheel and the car swerved into the next lane. She screamed as the cars honked and swerved to avoid her, only half noticing her father reach over and grab the wheel.

"Jesus, Amy!" Noah swerved the car away from traffic and into the grass where Amy slammed the brakes. "Amy! You can't just--"

"You and Mom are doing what?" She yelled. Her heart was beating at a painful rate, her body was shaking from fear, and her face had turned sickly pale--but it had nothing to do with the car accident she almost caused. "A divor--A divorce?"

He held out a hand, motioning her to calm down. "We tried to make this work, we did. We even went to counseling if you remember. It's just not working."

"What do you mean it's not working? Everything was fine! Everybody fights, Dad, it doesn't mean you just quit! You work it out! You and Mom are supposed to work it out!"

"I'm sorry, Amy, but it's just not happening. We're tired of kidding ourselves--"

"Kidding yourselves?" Amy noticed her father's wince, but didn't lower her voice. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Amy, your mother and I grew apart long ago, but we stayed together for your sake. But it's time we both moved on with our lives and now that you're old enough--"

"I don't believe this!" Amy ran her hands over her face, wiping away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. "I can't believe this is happening!"

Noah reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a box of tissues. "I'm sorry, Amy..." He sighed as he watched the tissue box fumble in his daughter's trembling hands. He tried again, "Your mother and I just can't do this anymore."

"I can't believe this," Amy repeated quietly over and over. "I can't--"

"It'll be alright, sweetheart," Noah said as he pulled his daughter into an awkward embrace.

"No it won't, Dad. It won't be all right."

Thanks for reading, I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review and comment.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Creative Writing Assignment 01

**EDITED: OCTOBER 28TH 2009!! Thanks everyone for your feedback!! Since the main issue everyone found with this was the overwhelming amount of times I wrote "Janira" [[which I didn't even realize I did until I reread it afterward]] I finally got around to editing it and fixing it. It SHOULD be better now... Thanks again!!**

As some of you may know, I'm currently attending college with the intent of earning a BA in Creative Writing. Right now I'm only in my Sophomore year but I've finally made it past the general credit classes: Now comes the fun stuff. Currently I'm taking a course specifically for English Majors.
Creative Writing ^__^ Yes.
In this class we're given writing assignments due weekly. It's two weeks into the school year, thus two writing assignments have gone by.

This is the first. We were assigned to write a non-fiction scene were we included ourselves as the main character. The scene had to be in third person -- which was awkward because I hate saying my own name -- and it had to be at a length where we could read it aloud in under two minutes.

I'm going to be posting every assignment we're given, but I won't assign any special titles to them other than what the assignment was. So this one will be titled after it's time limit.
Please comment your thoughts =) And I hope you enjoy.

CRW Assignment 01 -- Two Minute Scene

Janira looked over her note cards again for what must have been the seventh time in the past ten minutes. It was the day of her first speech presentation and her nerves were getting the better of her. She looked around the room and spotted the other five students that would also be presenting that day, identifying them by their formal attire. She couldn't help but notice that none of them looked as nervous as she was. Turning back to her note cards, she noticed her hands were shaking slightly so she slowed her breathing in an effort to calm her nerves.

Three students came and went, but their gracious and impressive performances only intensified her fears. It would be her turn next. As the previous presenter took her seat, Janira stood on shaky knees and walked to the front of the room. There were only twenty students in the classroom but there may as well have been a hundred. She could feel the weight of her fellow classmates' stares as she plugged in her flash drive and opened her Power Point file.

Once everything was prepared, Janira directed her eyes to the back of the room where the instructor, Mrs. Bledsoe, was writing down her comments of the previous speaker. She took this opportunity to take a few deep breaths, trying not to focus on the forty eyes that were staring right at her. "You can do this," she mentally coached herself, "it's just for five minutes then it'll be over." At the instructor's nod, she took one last breath before beginning her presentation--the small beep of the stopwatch not going unnoticed.

The slow breathing failed to help as she felt her anxiety grow. She began to shift her weight from one foot to the other in attempt to keep them from knocking. She grasped the note cards with both hands hoping that no one would notice them shaking, and she cleared her throat after every other sentence in hopes that her voice would stay even. The sympathetic looks from her classmates only horrified her more. It was at that point Janira realized she had lost her place; with a mumbled apology she consulted her note cards, her face growing hot. When she finally resumed her speech she couldn't hide the quiver in her voice. There was no kidding herself now; this was a disaster.

When her presentation was finally done, she thanked the audience quietly before collecting her things and returning to her seat. She exhaled sharply, feeling her heart pound against her ribs. Someone gently touched her shoulder and she looked up. The girl that sat directly beside her smiled gently and said, "You did great."

All Janira could do was nod and smile graciously before turning back to the front of the room. This was going to be a long semester.

There you have it. My first writing assignment. It's not as descriptive as I wanted it to be but that's because of the time limit I had so if it seems a lacking in that aspect, that's why.
Thanks, share your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the Beauty of Ink and the Love of Words...

Last night I saw the film, Doubt. It affected me so strongly I wrote a Xanga entry, but this is something I want to share with more than just the audience that reads my journal. The following is what I wrote into Xanga at 12:26AM this morning...

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I just saw the film, Doubt, and my thoughts are rambling out of me faster than I can type them.
It is nothing short of incredible what writing does to me.
The film was magnificent. Powerful. Beautiful. Provoking.

I hardly know how to describe it.

My heart was pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears.
My hand kept falling to my stomach because it was literally in knots.
My shoulders tensed and I felt genuinely uncomfortable at the conversations.
My hands covered my mouth and nose, frightened at the intensity much like a child would be at a murder film.

It's such an incredible feeling...

The excitement and fear sets my veins afire with inspiration and awe.
I'm left with my mind reeling at the possibilities, the accusations, the explanations, and the consequences of the lives of complete (and fictional) strangers.

This is why I want to be a writer.

This is what I want to be able to do.

Writing moves me in ways I cannot describe.
It sends my heart fluttering much like it would a crush to a schoolgirl.
I can see her now sitting in the playground playing with her braids, eyeing the boy who has so fascinated her.

That is what writing does to me.

It paralyzes me and makes me study it, fascinated by it's effect on me.

Oh, and the weather...

Plays do the most beautiful thing with weather...

With every emotion, every word, every moment the character experiences -- the weather mirrors.
It isn't done with the cliche way movies do it. It doesn't start to rain just because the heroine is sad. It doesn't suddenly become sunny and blissful when the boy wins his love.


Plays do it much differently.

They use sound...

They use it all and mold them like clay into the story itself.

So when it happens you don't take notice of it, because it doesn't stand out on it's own.
It blends with the characters themselves so that you feel you are experiencing them in more ways than you thought possible.

It's overwhelming...

It's an art...

And I am in love with that art.

When I see something so perfectly written I can't help but become obsessed.
I imagine it must be what pilots feel when they first take flight...
How musicians feel when they hear that one chord that has been missing from their song...
How artists feel when they find that one last stroke of the brush that sets their masterpiece to completion...

It overwhelms me...

Thrills me...

It even changes how I speak...

This is why I want to be a writer.

I want to learn how to wield this craft.

How to turn letters, symbols, ink, and paper into something so extraordinary that the reader, viewer, and listener cannot disconnect from it.

I want to learn how make changes to how a person thinks, feels, and speaks...

I want to know how to make people fall in love with a world not their own...

I want to know how to perform this art that has stood the test of Time...

I want to know how to connect everyone...

To one common emotion..

I want to be a writer...

Because I want the world to feel...

as I feel...

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time tells the story of Makoto Konno, an ordinary high school girl having a really bad day. Her luck, however, takes a most grateful turn for the better as Makoto suddenly discovers she has the ability to jump back in time. 

I was a little nervous about watching this anime because anything with time travel usually leaves me with a huge headache and tangled questions.  Fortunately that was not the case here. I wasn't confused once.

Writers Yasutaka Tsutsui (novel) and Satoko Okudera (screenplay) developed the story so that none of the time travel was confusing, but it was always fun. In their version of time travel, Makoto literally leaps back in time arriving in a not-so-graceful body roll. It never failed to pull a chuckle out of me as I started to wonder how Makoto never got a head injury from all the times she would roll into things.

The pace of the story itself never felt rushed, which can be a difficult thing to do with time travel. It can  be all too easy to rush into the climax of the story, the "Everything has gone wrong" moments, but Tsutsui and Okudera kept their control and developed the story as it would happen realistically. We see Makoto's confusion and denial of her ability progress into excitement and confidence and then slowly creep into desperation and anxiety. None of it felt slow, fast, or out of place; and that not only enhanced the experience of watching the film, but it also helps the viewer develop a connection to the characters.

Because the focus of the story lies in Makoto's time traveling, there is ironically not a lot of time to develop the backgrounds of the characters to the audience. The writers and director (Mamoru Hosoda) can only show a peek into Makoto's ordinary life before focusing on how it changes into anything but. This can pose as a problem because the main goal of any writer to get their audience to believe in the characters and care for them. After all, if the audience doesn't care for the characters, it doesn't matter what the adventure is, it will always fall flat.

Watching the film it didn't feel like I've known the characters all my life, but Tsutsui and Okudera did make me care for them. They are just ordinary kids and so when things start to go wrong, you feel it. I found myself yelling at the screen as things went from bad to worse. To top it off in a nice fantasy bow, Tsutsui and Okudera gave us a surprising twist! Honestly I didn't see it coming.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time was a great watch. The only flaw in the film were a few shots, such as close-ups for example, that lasted much longer than they needed to; but the story and the characters saved it. It's definitely a film I'd want in my anime collection.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Record of a Fallen Vampire Vol. 1

Title: The Record of a Fallen Vampire (Vol. 1)
Story By: Kyo Shirodaira
Art By: Yuri Kimura
Publisher: Viz Media
Rating: T for Teen [Due to themes of Death and Violence]
Manga Synopsis: Thousands of years ago, Vampire King Akabara "Red Rose" Strauss lost both his kingdom and his queen. Since humans were unable to kill the queen, they sealed her away, erecting thousands of fake seals so that the king would never find her true location. Despite being pursued by relentless dhampires, Akabara continues to search for his queen to this day...
Volume One Plot: Akabara's quest takes a sinister turn when an entity called the Black Swan appears. The Black Swan inhabits the body of a young human girl every 50 years, giving her the power to destroy the Vampire King and his queen. With each incarnation the Black Swan grows stronger-- will the 49th Black Swan mean the end of Akabara?

To prevent confusion, let me clear up two main points.
As you read this manga, please note that this story does not center around the 49th Black Swan, but rather it focuses on the vampire king Akabara.

As I started reading Vol. 1 for the first time I was noticing how rushed the story seemed to be and so I couldn't really develop a connection to every character. At first I wrote it off as a flaw in Shirodaira's writing, but soon realized my mistake. Shirodaira rushed this segment of the story because the reader isn't supposed to focus on the 49th Black Swan, but on the Vampire King instead. This is his story, the Black Swan is just another character.

Also, these are not your conventional vampires. They are confined to only travel by night, yes, but they do not feed off humans, and they cannot be killed with a steak to the chest. These are magical beings whose powers are the real threat. To kill them you have to fatally wound them with magic and/or weapons.
Keep those two points in mind, and it'll be an easy read.

Record of a Fallen Vampire tells the story of vampire king Akabara who lost his kingdom and queen in one night. The Vampire Queen's magic had gone out of control and nearly destroyed the Earth and so a group of humans sealed her away forever. On top of that, they erected thousands of fake seals so that Akabara would never know the queen's true location -- In fact so many were created that the humans themselves have forgotten which is the real one. However, Akabara is determined to find her and so he searches for centuries, destroying thousands of seals, hoping the next will be the real one. 

In an effort to stop him, both humans and dhampires alike hunt after Akabara -- hoping to kill him before the queen is released. Dhampires are humans with vampire blood and so they also have magical abilities, including the ability to heal severe wounds. But their forces combined have still not been enough to kill the King.
To help in the battle, a magical entity called the Black Swan possesses a human girl every 50 years. Each generation of the Black Swan inherits the skills, memories, and abilities of her predecessor. So, in turn, each generation is stronger than the last.

I picked up this manga a couple of weeks ago when the storyline caught my eye. I fount it all makes for a very interesting plot and as I learned more details about the story I grew to enjoy it more and more. The quick progression in the beginning was necessary to move the story along appropriately, and then from there it continues at a normal pace. And just when you think it all might get repetitive with Akabara fighting against a dhampire from seal to seal, Shirodaira throws in a surprising twist! 

This is Shirodaira's first time writing a vampire story so I'm really impressed about how he made it his own. It's definitely different, but not necessarily bad. Some of the dialogue seems a bit... off by word choice but he was still able to establish a great foundation for all the characters. It allows the reader to be really stumped by the sudden twist in the story. Kudos to him because thanks to that cliffhanger I will definitely continue to read this series. 

Just like graphic novels, not all manga writers do their own art. In Fallen Vampire's case, the art is done by Yuri Kimura. Kimura's style of drawing reminds me of DN Angel, where the bodies are lean but the hands are slightly larger than they should be. Usually the disproportion annoys me and distracts me from the story, but in this case her style actually helps the story. With stories that use magic as the main focus it can be hard to follow the battle scenes. Most of the panels are filled with "moving wind" and symbols and since mangas don't have the advantage of color that American comics have, it can get confusing sometimes. I know I've been lost dozens of times while reading Juvenile Orion

However, in Fallen Vampire it's actually a lot easier to follow each magical blow because the source of all the magic is made easier to see. And with none of it being distracting I can safely say that Kimura's style is not a flaw. If that weren't enough, Kimura is very skilled at drawing expressive eyes and faces which brings the characters alive.

All in all this manga is definitely worth looking into. I've already started reading its second volume and I'm sure it wont be my last.

The Record of a Fallen Vampire 4 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer Begins, Blogspot Reborn

Alright. It is Summer my dear friends and I have made a self-promise to bring this place back. I'll be posting reviews of films and books again, starting with the book I'm currently reading, Pledged by Alexandra Robbins. There's a huge controversy going around about that book so it'll be fun to review and share that information with you guys.
As for movies that will come as I'm able to see them. Money is tight at the moment so I don't know how often that will be, but I do have some anime DVDs I haven't seen yet and Netflix always allows for cheap renting. So hopefully I'll be able to get reviews out to you guys even if it's not on new titles per se. 
Concerning Faellynn, I would love to write more Quest Logs for her -- in fact i think I have enough notes for two more entries, I just have to find them ^^;; -- but because of my monetary concerns I had to cancell my WoW account temporarily. Hopefully I can make enough to play for another month or two this Summer but I don't think I'll be able to reactive my account permanently. *crosses fingers* Here's hoping I'm wrong and WoW becomes available again ^-^
So to launch off my homecoming to the blogspot I gave the place a new look =) I haven't decided on my profile picture yet, I might keep this one or I might switch it out with the Ah! My Goddess image I used in this entry. So far I'm thinking of doing the switch =P
So, my few but valued readers, I have some special news. My brother, known online as The A-Train, has his Pullbox for his reviews and articles over comics, movies, and shows. One subject he's never touched, however, was anime/manga. So guess what kiddies? I've been asked to write possibly-weekly articles on anime or mangas because, while he himself isn't a huge fan, the subjects still belong on the site. Afterall, anime geeks are one helluva crowd ;)
So, yes, very exciting ^_^ I, of course, will post the articles here as well but still feel free to visit the Pullbox and enjoy the articles. 
Oh, speaking of the Pullbox, The A-Train has just launched the pilot episode to his new Pullbox Podcast. =D You may find it on iTunes soon, but for now you can download it (or live-stream it) from The Pullbox Podcast official website. =) In this pilot episode, A-Train and his co-host Adrian discuss the film, Batman Begins. Another fun feature about the Podcast is that on the main page of its official website the A-Train will post polls were YOU, the listeners, get to vote on which film will be discussed in the next episode!! =D So stop on by and watch them grow as they review film after film. And in the future I myself might make an "appearance" if ever/whenever we do a special treat to the anime fans ;D Good stuff all around!!

Well my friends, I do believe I'm done with my newsreel for tonight. =) Thanks for reading, it's much appreciated. I'll see you soon!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Faellynn's Quest Log 48.4

Faellynn's Profile
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My stay here in Stranglethorn Vale is coming close to an end. I have fought countless of trolls who have sided with the Alliance and have taken many remains and stolen treasures back to Grom'gol camp. These poor trolls... to have their own kin betray them in such ways is heartbreaking. They tell me there is not much else I can do, and they thank me for giving so much. I pray they see better days after this.
           Algar's training is troubling. He doesn't seem to really strive in his battles as Mayne does. After facing so many enemies, he still hasn't grown much in strength or skill; he is growing increasingly reluctant to do much of anything, really. I have been trying to push him a little harder because while I have always been there to save him whenever he was overpowered, I cannot guarentee I will always be able to. I need to be able to trust that he can stand on his own if things got too serious. His actions grow reckless to the point where he rushes after an enemy we never needed (or weren't ready to) face.
           I love Algar, he has a strong spirit and is a very wise creature; but if he refuses to learn how to survive against the Alliance with me then I will be forced to return him to Thousand Needles and leave him in his old nesting grounds. At least there he would be safe and I would never have to worry about him. I hope it doesn't come to that... I would love for him to stay.
           While on one of my quests, I came across a fascinating creature. It was a female Bangalash Tiger, a truly rare breed. Soon as I was able, I returned Algar to the stables at Grom'gol and returned to where I saw the feline prowling. I confronted her and tamed her, and now she seems willing to be my companion along with Mayne and Algar. I have decided to name her Rana, which means "eye catching." I find the name suits her perfectly because when she is stalking a target she has the ability fade into her sorroundings so well that you could swear she just disappeared before your eyes. She has such power in her claws that I suspect she may be even more powerful than Mayne. I trust she will do amazingly in any danger we face.
           After my last task here, I will move on to a new area known as the Hinterlands. I have been told more trolls reside in a village there, and that they are in desperate need of assistance. It sounds like the perfect place to begin Rana's training. 


Monday, February 16, 2009

"Criticism Wanted"

This is a piece I wrote back in 2006 and posted into my LiveJournal. I was skimming the old 'Journal recently and came across it. I never named it and the title of the entry was simply "Criticism Wanted", but the truth is: I don't think I've written anything that tops this yet. (Which is sad when you think about it. I'm supposed to get better with time)
I thought I'd repost it here since even I think it's awesome. Might skim old entries of my Xanga to find stories there and do the same. 
= = = = = = 

I kept my eyes open for her. The hall was flooded with people but I knew she was here somewhere.
There. She was sitting at the table alone, everyone else must've gone to dance.
I headed for her, but someone else stood in my way. It was the brunette from my sixth period.
"C'mon let's dance! I love this song!"
"Actually I was--" but I was already being dragged to the dance floor. The song was fast enough so I decided to humor her.
Wasn't long until I regretted it.
She was dancing way too close and 'wild' for my taste. It seemed pretty clear she wanted all my attention on her. 
The song ended and I gratefully left the dance floor while she was placing in a request.
She was still sitting there. Her fork idly playing with the napkin. She looked up at me as I sat beside her. She quickly directed her gaze back at her fork. "Hey."
"Hey.." I had never seen her in a dress before. The black gown wrapped around her perfectly, her hair down well past her shoulders. She never wore any make-up, which I had always loved since it left her face unmasked, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. Her skin was smooth and clear, and her full lips were a little rosy, she must've been bitting them recently. I could see the flames from the center-piece candles reflected in her dark eyes. "You look beautiful."
She rolled her eyes, her grip on her fork tightening.
"You do."
Her eyes narrowed at me. "Stop it."
I sighed. She never believed any compliment I gave her. She had started playing with her fork again. "We need to talk--"
"Here comes your little friend."
I turn my head to see the brunette heading towards me. She latched onto my arm. "C'mon they're playing my favorite next!" 
"Have fun." She dropped her fork and stood, quickly making her way outside to the balcony.
"Wait!" I shake the brunette off my arm, then rush after her.
She was leaning against the railing, her back turned to me. I stopped a few feet behind her.
"It's not what you think. She just asked me to dance, I'm not--"
"Oh I'm sure that's all it was."
is all it was! I got away as fast as I could."
"Oh, I'm sure you did. It's not like you ever had trouble turning away from attractive girls."
My shoulders fell with the weight of her words. I had to swallow hard before I could speak again. "I know I screwed up...but I promise I won't ever make that mistake again...."
She turned with a fierce look in her eyes."You promised never to make it in the first place! How can you be so sure you wouldn't make it again?"
"Do you really think I'd do that again after knowing how much it hurt to lose you?!"
"Oh, I'm sure it hurt alot, what with your ability to endure pain. If you dislocated a shoulder you'd just pop it back in without a single wince!"
"It's not the same thing and you know it!"
"Just do me a favor and spare me the stories." She walked passed me but I grabbed her wrist before she could get away. 
"Would you just listen to me, I--" I must've pulled harder than I thought because she was suddenly against my chest and my arms were around her. She had stiffened, but didn't move. I could smell her shampoo in her hair, and I found myself pulling her closer. She was warm despite the slight chill outside. I hadn't held her in so long... Her soft voice broke through my thoughts.
I realized I had forgotten what I was going to say. I tried to remember, but I couldn't concentrate on anything but the feeling of her body against mine, the feeling of my arms around her waist. "I don't remember..."
"Oh..." She was slowly relaxing, and soon I felt her arms wrap around me tightly. I felt relief flood my senses as I tightened my hold on her. God how I've missed her touch...
"I love you..." I hugged her as tight as I could. "I love you so much.." I felt my shirt grow wet and I reluctantly pulled back a little. I placed a hand under her chin and gently lifted her face. Her cheeks and nose were pink, and wet from her tears. I wiped her eyes with my thumb as she bit her lip, most likely to fight back more tears.
"I love you too..." Her voice was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. Before I could stop myself I lowered my head and kissed her. It was quick, but it was enough to send my mind spiraling through every moment I had with her... Everything I had lost.
I felt her pull me close and I kissed her again, and this time she responded.
God I had forgotten how soft her lips were. 
She held me tight as we stood there, our lips meeting again and again. I couldn't believe this was happening. That she was here with me after so long.
We pulled away, and I was drawn to those dark eyes I had always lost myself in. She seemed to be as lost in the past as I was.
Suddenly, something sparked in those dark pupils, and she stiffened.
No...No not now.. Please don't remember...
She pulled away, her gaze turned away from mine. Please, no..
"I have to go."
"Wait-" I reached for her hand but missed, and she rushed back through the doors. I went after her, but the doors had closed, blocking my view of her. I threw them open, the noise of thundering music and laughter ripped through the once quiet balcony. No one has had their fill of the night and the hall was filled with hundreds of bodies.
I looked around frantically trying to catch a glipse of her among the masses. I hadn't seen which direction she had gone and felt a sense of panic. I had to find her before--
There! She was closing in on the exit doors at the far end of the hall. I called out to her but my voice was drawn out by the music. My blood ran cold as she opened the doors and ran out. 
I pushed and shoved my way through the crowd, trying to get to her as fast as I could. Then finally I bolted through the doors, my eyes frantically searching the parking lot for her car. She had to have reached it by now.
I kept calling for her, hoping, praying that she'd wait.
To my far right I heard a car roar to life. I ran towards the row of cars where the sound originated, I could see her blue Toyota pulling out of a spot. "Stop!!"
She was accelerating, I called out her name again but she was soon out of my reach. I stood there, breathing hard, as she drove out of the lot.
My chest clenched. I let out a yell and punched the trunk of the nearest car. The car alarm went off, its loud whines ringing through the air, making my heart pound against my ribs. I ran both my hands over my face. 
I lost her... I lost her all over again...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Currents

I have been doing a pretty bad job of keeping up with this place, I know. So here's a few News Reels to clarify:

1. School is crazy. It's been hard keeping up with life, school work, the BlogSpot, and my reading.
2. Yes, I am still reading This is All, but the before-mentioned reasons keep me from reading at my normal, quick pace. 
3. Yes, I still watch movies and I have seen a few recently. I'm sorry I haven't reviewed any in a long while. The realization that the only 2-3 people that read this I know in real life has given me the "Well they can just ASK me if I liked it" attitude. I plan to resume reviews again, but time is always being crunched these days. Stay tuned.
4. I will continue to write Quest Logs for Faellynn and I will continue to write story excerpts of my characters. It's just a matter of time, inspiration, and literary mechanics.

For those who read this, Thank You for doing so. I only wish more would do the same.

Faellynn's Quest Log 46.3

Faellynn's Profile
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Stranglethorn Vale is such a beautiful place! It looks as if I've stepped onto a forgotten island. Mayne loves the area, but when we arrived she was clearly in need of rest. After accompanying me on quest after quest with barely any rest, then to take a zeppelin such a long way down to Stranglethorn, she was exhausted. The ride itself was peaceful enough for me, but Mayne is very anxious of heights. It's strange that a misbat of all creatures would be afraid, but she has never been more than a few feet off the ground so the altitude frightens her a bit.
          So I spoke with the local Stable Master and fortunately he had enough room for her and little Noah, an orphan blizzard bear cub I found in Undercity. I decided to take him with me, as he didn't seem to enjoy the company of the Undead. I decided to keep him stabled with Mayne, as he is still much too young to accompany me on quests. In a stable he will at least stay safe from any harm, and every moment I can I shall take him out to exercise.
          Mayne was grateful for a rest, and she seemed amused by the small cub's antics. They've grown quite fond of each other through these past few weeks. Meanwhile, I took Algar with me on my adventures in order to train and hone his skills further.
          The trolls here had asked for my assistance against certain groups of their kin that have sided with the Alliance (a fact that they, understandably, seemed very upset to share). The battles have proven to be most profitable for Algar and I. He's grown in strength, not as fast as Mayne, but at his own pace. However, he still has much to learn before he can handle the opponents Mayne can. 


Monday, January 26, 2009

Faellynn's Quest Log 43.2

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Today was a fine day. Mayne and I have grown stronger over the past few nights, and so I led us into Stromgarde to find Prince Galen Trollbane and retrieve the last Sigil we needed. The prince was well protected as I imagined, but they could no longer intimidate us. I sent Mayne after the soldiers and syndicates while I took on Galen. It wasn't long at all before they fell before us, and the Sigil was ours. 
          We returned to Hammerfall and delivered our prize to Zengu, who then fused all four sigils into one. He told us we were now ready to open the tomb. Mayne and I hurried back to where the Prince once stood, and followed the path to the tomb. More soldiers stood guard, but they were weaker than the Prince and so our battles did not last long.
          I am happy to report that Mayne and I did indeed enter the tomb, and we retrieved the sword Trol'Kalar successfully. Zengu was overjoyed that the weapon that once slew so many of his kin, would know be the means to avenge them. I was honored that Mayne and I were of aid. 
          I'm also pleased to announce that I have finally heard back from Holku. He has decided to come and stay here at Hammerfall and do what he can to help the trolls as well. Once he arrived I took him about the Highlands so that he may be more familiarized with Arathi. His pet, Doomsday, has grown much stronger since the last time I'd seen him and I believe he will be a fine companion to Holku as Mayne is to me.
          It feels strange to leave, but I said my goodbyes to all of the trolls here. Tonight Mayne and I will travel back to Undercity, and tomorrow we shall board the zeppelin and travel to a new land called Stranglethorn Vale. I have been told I would find Ogres, Trolls, and other Blood Elves there that could use my assistance, and now that Holku can aid those in Hammerfall, I must continue my journey to help all that I can against the Alliance.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Faellynn, level 43 Blood Elf Hunter

Faellynn has reached level 43 :) And she's kick-butt awesome. She can now wear "Mail" armor, which means instead of having a chest plate of "54 Armor" she now has one that is "213 Armor" :) Hellz yea! I mean, yea, she looks weird since she's now multi-colored or mostly red but WHO CARES?! No one can touch her now :) So go ahead, I dare you to cross blades with her!! :D