So there is a new look to the place, AGAIN. I kept getting frustrated with all the templates before this one because I couldn't change anything about them except the link color. I finally picked this template and was happy to see that I have much more control over the look in this case.
So, yes, this look is staying.
I've been currently reading Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult. Since I heard so many good things about her, I bought My Sister's Keeper and Perfect Match to see if this was an author to add to my list.
As I reviewed earlier, I LOVED My Sister's Keeper and so I looked forward to reading the second book since I was starting to get excited for Picoult's work.
However, this book is written in a different style and while it's a strong story-- it hasn't really grabbed me yet. Which really sucks since I was hoping all her books would be as great as the that first that I read. I guess it's hit-and-miss when you come to her.
Then again I have not FINISHED this book yet so my opinions aren't final yet. Once I finish I'll post a review of it here to let anyone who's actually reading this know how it was.
I still have a lot of character ideas but I'm still in a writer's funk. -_- I'm still worried about whether I'm cut out for this...
Catch you next review.
Yes, You should definitely re-read Runaways. It gets even better as it goes along. And its even somewhat controversial.
There's also this other series called Young Avengers, which almost mirrors Runaways' situations, and "edgy" plot twists, but the characters and stories progress very differently, so when it comes to the Civil War crossover for both titles (Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways) it makes for a VERY interesting rendezvous for the two teems. Not to mention the new character introduced into Runaways in Vol. 2 and 3 are just plain cool.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know its spelled "Teams"... typo. Sue me.
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