In short, both The Fountain and Chicken Little are great-- for very different reasons of course.
The Fountain tells three seperate stories that overlap each other. It's not an easy movie to describe. Much of it depends on the viewer's personal interpretation.
The writing is fantastic. It has to be one of the most creative scripts I've ever seen. Darren Aronofsky is a genius. Enough said.
While the casting was flawless, I don't really have the memory to go into every actor's performance.
So I'll only highlight one:
Hugh Jackman.
Jackman had to play a variety of roles in this film, each of them completely different from the others. Actually, they're all completely different from any role he's played before.
Jackman had to play a variety of roles in this film, each of them completely different from the others. Actually, they're all completely different from any role he's played before.
Truly a gifted actor, and one of my top favorites.

Everyone knows the story of Chicken Little and his claim that the sky is falling; but no one has ever seen it told quite like this before.
I found this film very enjoyable actually. I had heard mixed reviews about it so I wasn't too excited to see, but I'm glad I did. The film is packed with humor from beginning to end, and Zach Braff's performance as Chicken Little's voice only added to that effect. With every line spoken I could imagine the facial expression on Braff's face, which you could find perfectly reflected onto the face of Chicken Little.
This is a film literally anyone could enjoy, no matter what age.
Definitely worth looking into ;)
He's been in countless bands over the years. Most recently he was recording a solo project which I'm sure he'll continue to do on the side. He's just starting up a project with a full band this time.
The Fountain was pretty good if somewhat trippy, an interesting crossover of religious/cultural/scientific ideals to say the least
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