So, yes, busy weekend for me -^^-
Before I pick up my next novel choice, which I haven't picked yet, I'm catching up on my Chibi Vampire mangas. I had picked up Volumes 9 & 10 months ago and never got a chance to read them and by now have forgotten where I left off.
So I read Vol. 1 today and started Vol. 2.
I'll catch up soon enough, they're quick reads ^_^ I had a thought to review each volume on here but then realized that since I breeze through mangas so quickly I would have to post like every two hours or so.
However I picked up the first volume to a manga I never read before but sells well where I work, Full Moon.
Maybe I'll review that one.
Also, I'm starting to create a new character in the "Powers" Series. I still have to rewrite Mina but I can't help but think up of new ideas ^_^
I HOPE to be writing a Quest Log for my World of Warcraft character Faellynn soon.
It sucks.
My writer's block is finally ending and I have no time to enjoy it. ^^;;
1 comment:
focus on your newest ideas first, jot them down so you don't forget them, and then when you have time go over them.
that's what I do... which is why I have a surplus of random paper bits in my room.
I'm excited for your review!!
-your best pal in all of pal land
-the chick currently bored out of her mind and not the least bit sleepy
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