Thursday, December 4, 2008

Introducing... FAELLYNN !!!

Game: World of Warcraft
Realm: Bonechewer
Loyalty: Horde

Race: Blood Elf
Sex: Female
Class: Hunter
Profession(s): Enchanting, Skinning

Pet(s): Misbat named Mayne ; Sharpjaw named Algar; Bangalash tiger named Rana
Companion(s): Baby Blizzard Bear named Noah
Mount(s): Red Hawkstrider named Ita
Guild: The OTHERS

Family: Brother: Holku ; Cousin: Gellandria
Extra(s): Romantic Interest: Whitekong

So this is my WoW world. ^_^ Isn't it great? Mayne is a kickass fighter, Algar is pretty good at defence but still needs to level up his fighting skills. And Ita? She gets me from A to B with style! ;D 

Faellynn will be sharing her adventures in her Quest Log SOON!! :) I hope to get it out sometime this weekend but I've got two huge finals this coming week so if it's not up this weekend, it'll definitely be up Friday the 12th! :) So stay tuned!!

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