Now, as you'll soon read, I don't think I'll be cranking out a challenge EVERY DAY like the instructions encourage. Let's be realistic here, a LOT of these challenges are gonna take a LOT of time to complete -- I mean, one of them is "write a fanfiction" for crying out loud!! xD But, whatever the schedule turns out to be, I do aim to complete all 30 challenges. Oh! And I don't plan on doing them in order. Just whichever jumps out at me in the moment.
Okay, enough ramble. The challenges are:
- Re-write a classic fairy tale
- Write a fanfiction
- A story that takes place pre-1950
- A poem using the words "blue, mistrust, half, twang"
- A story revolving around an object in your room
- Start your story with "He glanced at his watch impatiently..."
- Create a superhero. Have he/she save the day.
- Write a prequel to that superhero. Pre-superhero life. Maybe their childhood.
- A story in 250 words or less about your favorite city.
- Start story with "She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled..."
- A story where the characters go without power for a day.
- Find 10 random words and create your own definitions.
- Begin with "I thought I saw..."
- Randomly find someone in your yearbook. Create a story about their life today.
- Write about a stranger you see. Either their back-story or what they are thinking in the moment you see them.
- Go to iTunes, put your music on random. Write a story about the first song that comes up. (250 words or less)
- Use time travel in a story.
- A story set in a ghost town.
- Write an obituary for a historical figure.
- Use these words in a story: Grandfather, photo album, post office, and folder.
- He or she sees their crush in a library. Describe the incident.
- Write a story based on a dream you had.
- Describe/fictionalize a childhood memory.
- Write a story that takes place 100 years in the future.
- Write a story about a mythical creature.
- Write about the 30th picture on your phone or computer. Write about the story behind it, or make up the story behind it.
- Story taking place during a sporting event (any sport).
- Story on a ship. Past, present, or future.
- Story about space.
- Story or poem about ice.
Alrighty. There they are. I'll post each of the challenges on here as I complete them. :) I'd appreciate it if you would read them and comment your thoughts. (I will tag them all with the same "30 Day Writing Challenge" label that I'll attach to this post). And remember, you don't need a Gmail account or