Monday, January 26, 2009

Faellynn's Quest Log 43.2

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Today was a fine day. Mayne and I have grown stronger over the past few nights, and so I led us into Stromgarde to find Prince Galen Trollbane and retrieve the last Sigil we needed. The prince was well protected as I imagined, but they could no longer intimidate us. I sent Mayne after the soldiers and syndicates while I took on Galen. It wasn't long at all before they fell before us, and the Sigil was ours. 
          We returned to Hammerfall and delivered our prize to Zengu, who then fused all four sigils into one. He told us we were now ready to open the tomb. Mayne and I hurried back to where the Prince once stood, and followed the path to the tomb. More soldiers stood guard, but they were weaker than the Prince and so our battles did not last long.
          I am happy to report that Mayne and I did indeed enter the tomb, and we retrieved the sword Trol'Kalar successfully. Zengu was overjoyed that the weapon that once slew so many of his kin, would know be the means to avenge them. I was honored that Mayne and I were of aid. 
          I'm also pleased to announce that I have finally heard back from Holku. He has decided to come and stay here at Hammerfall and do what he can to help the trolls as well. Once he arrived I took him about the Highlands so that he may be more familiarized with Arathi. His pet, Doomsday, has grown much stronger since the last time I'd seen him and I believe he will be a fine companion to Holku as Mayne is to me.
          It feels strange to leave, but I said my goodbyes to all of the trolls here. Tonight Mayne and I will travel back to Undercity, and tomorrow we shall board the zeppelin and travel to a new land called Stranglethorn Vale. I have been told I would find Ogres, Trolls, and other Blood Elves there that could use my assistance, and now that Holku can aid those in Hammerfall, I must continue my journey to help all that I can against the Alliance.



Anonymous said...

Sadly you'll never defeat the Alliance ^_~
Waiting for the next one! ^.^

Eamy said...

"guards stood guard" favorite line. ^_^
And I like the way your quest logs are written. They really sound like someone who is taking what time they can to write down what they're doing, but still leading a busy life. On that note, you should write more, not worry so much about how bad or "raw" they'd sound because after all, you're a BA hunter out eradicating the Alliance off the face of the planet. ^_~